I excrete gravely in sore Zealand, a runry in the Antipodes, and hither(predicate) is my Top ex constitute of things I detest ab step to the fore(predicate) New Zealand, starting at number Ten and counting eat.
10. The Weather - It constantly changes. If it rains it is extremely grey and gloomy. If it is pleased it burns.
9. The Hole In The Oz unity Layer - Thanks to industrial countries offer Germany and the United States, we exhaust a large(p) big trustworthy deal hanging over our heads which exposes us to the misemployful rays of the sun. I go stunnedside for two minutes and I am sal focussly sunburnt.
8. The political sympathies - their policy is to keep kicking you until you be down.
7. New Zealand police - You bestow fined for e trulything here!!!
6. The AllBlacks (NZs Rugby Team) - they symbolise everything I detest, beer emit idiots, idolising maniacal baboons undertaking homo-erotic acts.
5. The People - The citizenry here be soooooooooooo dumb. A chimpanzee has more in rateigence. They atomic number 18 each(prenominal) intoxicated and stoned, and thitherfore shit no brains or ambition in invigoration.
4. The Traffic - I live in Auckland, we only sustain a population of close to 1 million, provided the employment here is horrendous. The Public Transport system sucks, you cave in to twat two different buses to get 5 minutes down the road, and dont regular(a) talk about the trains .... Indias be more glamourous.
3. The Drivers - they all posit thick glasses - they argon blind, there argon so many accidents here, and the bus drivers try and squash you with the bus. Ive lost count with how many times Ive al nigh been crushed by a bus.
2. The Lack of Opportunity - the population is too small, so no matter what you do, it is unsustainable.
My number one on the list of things I loathe about New Zealand is .............
THE FACT IT HAS NO capital SO I CANT GET THE HELL OUT OF hither!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brformer(a) lives in auck. nz and has now for 7 years. He says he heats it and has started a family over there. I was thinking about flood tide over but you make it unfat theatred so bad...is it thusly that horrible?
I lived in NZ for 6 yrs where i worked as a triage nurse. i saw the worst of what NZ had to tallyer. BUT i in issueition met with round amazing people that you hand labelled as dumb. I think at 39 years of age, i am more than qualified. You hold to get out of the unanimous you live in. If you go into the manhood with your current attitude, god process you. So dont tell me my opinion is outdated.
Seems to me, a image from the detail your a spoilt bitch, i also think that you dont hate the country, you that hate the way its run and the goverment.
look at this, these argon the things you stated, most be to do with the goverment or the goverment is in steering of and you dont like.
-The regime
-The Traffic
-New Zealand Law
-The Lack of Opportunity
-lack of silver
The other 5 hold offpages ar you good now cosmosness stupid! Im sorry to say. So what if drivers be old and throw to wear glasses, thats barely no-good to say it some(prenominal)ers you that drivers dont want to pall into people. So what if everyones stoned? If you cant beat em, join em! I live in ireland!! I would love to live aboad, anyone here would. So get your ass down here and follow up how it is. Cold, no drugs, no ones ever that drunk, we film a ozone layer hole too, i cant get a good clientele cus im under 18, the people are sometimes dumb and the drivers crash into other drivers for the craic of it. Be grateful for what you present, and also, peradventure if you worked you;d get money, why should anyone just hand you $100,000 and a plane ticket for where ever you want to go just for sitting on your ass!!
This brings up some good point. simply isnt it a bit too harsh. Maybe you could commenting both advantage and dissadvantage. That would be fair. DOnt you think so?
Thanks for advising me non to go to New Zealand from that list it sounds horrible. skilful for the heck of it Id like you to make some other list expressing some of the ridiculous fines. I can tell you likely wrote this list in a moment of frustration.
all i can say is AHAHAHA... i thought this was absolute executedy... keen stuff... very humorous, entertaining, and extremely interesting because i dont think most people really knew how bad things in new zealand are apparantly... place sounds like a nightmare.... nice work i really enjoyed recitation this piece...
Hey dude! U need no money to come to Paistan.. enjoy a lavish life here with all the state of the art facilities without digging ur pouch!
give it a try.. I anticipate you wont entomb!
I very lived in NZ for 6 years, but hey there you go. not everyone has your opinion. but you are entitled to it.
I dont know, sometimes I hate where I lived but most of the time I go on it admirable. Maybe you can look at things differently , because you shall see how wonderful they truly are.
So funny! I could just swap New Zealand for Australia and my list would be the same. Can understand with you.
Hah hah...some friends of my parents love going to New Zealand for some strange causa as I would see according to this list. But I guess theyre not their tenacious enough to notice the problems. anticipate you get the money to get out of there if thats what you really want!
Well hoba...listen up. You are exactly the kind of New Zealander that your compatriots are appalled to be associated with. It is 9.30 on a Sunday break of day and I was just checking the endeavors that have been submitted and up comes your pitiful poor globose me trapped in the Antipodean wilderness drivel.
To establish my credibility in comparing oranges to oranges...I live in Auckland too and have do so for...ooohhh...44 years. So...no tourist here. Just someone that knows something ( in all likelihood more than you in item, seeing as you sound like a whingy adolescent) about taxes, bills, enjoy and...oh...what are those other things? Oh thats right...reality and a little gratitude.
kickoff up...good luck on finding somewhere else in the world that can satisfy your I Deserve More attitude. The nirvana of Atlantis sank long ago, and I doubt that they (or anyone else for that matter) would have appreciated your bleating. You have certainly been around the NZ sheep FAR too long...baa baa. Newsflash...every place in the world has its drawbacks...from sexism to racism to war to environment to unpleasant individuals to Government legislation...your naivete is indeed telling. I have in fact travelled extensively, and have loved aspects of each country I have visited, but am certainly not unplanned of the benefits of the beautiful, cosmopolitan, practical and conscience-filled country that I am a imperial citizen of. To further underline this, my brother is a globe-trotting and famous sound engineer, who is on his 17th passport, and he has chosen to bring his 5-year-old bilingualist French daughter back here to be educate in re devoteable west Auckland, despite owning a stone-walled chalet in the mho of France and an apartment on the Champs dElysees. Hmmm.
As for your pathetic Top Ten...it is manifest that you feel you merit more leniency and tolerance than anyone else...generosities you are not prepared to afford to others.
Fines? Stop screwing up then. I make sure that I have a current WOF and rego, dont speed or park il level-headedly, and observe the legal requirements of not being violent or taking illicit drugs. You are either arrogant (or INCREDIBLY stupid and blazing in your disregard for the law)if you are being continually censured by the police. The NZ Herald reported that there were only 4 constables and 1 sergeant on duty in the whole Waitakere urban center region last week...and yet YOU seem to incur their wrath. soften up dimwit...if the charges were unfair, you should appeal. If not...shut up and pay up.
As to your sad deplore of working 12 hours a day but not having the money for a puny airfare to Australia...you are obviously outlay far too a lot money on con resumeables and have absolutely no understanding of the power of saving. A unidirectional ticket (like we would WANT you to return) to Sydney costs $284...hardly a daunting sum (although if it is WAY outside your ill-organised budget I would be halcyon to pay that just to get you out of here.)
May I hazard the opinion that you are unhappy because you are unsuccessful? Is it love that eludes you? (surprising as you seem like such a happy and generous-spirited catch?) Do us all a favour and get yourself laid...its amazing what a good window glass of endorphins will do for lightening your mood.
Or is it that you are abstracted in callingal success? Marketing sounds suspiciously like those sad door-knockers selling pizza or video club supernumerary memberships. I am a high school teacher...a profession notorious for its low salaries...yet as I am doing what I love, I see no need to complain. I extract you look within rather than without for your happiness. Find a job that you are good at, where you are enhancing rather than detracting from the world...it is not anyone elses consumption to do this but yours. That is what we are all here to discover...what it is that brings signification to our lives. Find out and find out fast.
As for bills and tax...wake up and smell the coffee. They are a fact of life. There is vigour in ANY dogma (religious or political) that states that you get everything you need to survive without making some kind of return. Maybe you view that you are some sort of special case...and that all us other grateful tax and bill payers should somehow subsidize YOUR lifestyle. However I doubt that you would find any unbidden volunteers, considering your current approach. Hmmm...whats that saying in my mind? What goes around comes around? Whats the bet that this adage falls on deaf ears.
And as to the drivers thing...yes Auckland does suffer from a dearth of bad drivers. And yes that does scare me. But once again I am a lector to the legal opinion that I CAN take some state in terms of minimising the traffic risk by ride sensibly myself. If you are often in dicey situations, you are obviously pushing the limits by being impatient and egoistic on the roads...an attitude that research proves is a factor in road fatalities. I PRAY that you dont live out West near me...putting me and mine in the firing range due to your hastiness and arrogance. Please email me your licence plates so that I can take aversive action as soon as I sight you in your vehicle.
So...an observation and some advice hoba...you just dont get out enough to the right places and in the right company.
Go watch a rugby plot and learn the rules...so much of your criticism stems from undeniable ignorance and uninvolvement. I myself (as a highly educated/no beer gut/no ignominious lecture/no loutish behaviour woman with no actual rugby playing experience whatsoever) derive great pleasure from the nuances and power of our national sport. And I surmise that you dont even respond to the stirrings that our All Blacks haka instils. Maybe you prefer ice field hockey? (such a demure game.) Or soccer? (Not a ruffian in sight at this sport of incline.) Or tiddlywinks? (At to the lowest degree(prenominal) that game would keep you away from the undeserving public.)
Go move (break a leg...no seriously...please do) and be grateful at the rescue and health check services you receive without maxing out your medical insurance or obviously overworked credit card.
Go fishing...I PRAY that you are not allergic to seafood...wouldnt that be ironic seeing as we are so abundant in a resource that the Japanese are SO jealous of...and rejoice in the geographical wonderland we are blessed with.
Go to a play...you will see that there are far more tragedies played out through Shakespeare than your puny little chest beating implies.
Go plant a tree...and contribute...it seems that you are short on the notion of giving out in order to get back.
Whats the bet that you historically dont make any effort to change that which upsets you, but simply whine over a latte and panini (you overfed succubus)? I dont recall any recent referenda organised by Aucklanders about the complaints you raise...the only current one beforehand fan tan is the Fair Sentencing Referendum initiated last year by Christchurch citizens. In fact I would wager that you dont even vote in topical anaesthetic OR central elections. Bottom line is that if you aint part of the solution, youre part of the problem...a role you obviously relish, given your tone.
All in all...your language is appalling...hardly complimentary seeing that another contributor ascertained you were in tertiary study. Which university are you at and what degree are you a student in? No doubt the College of Egocentric F***ing Complaints with a double major in Self-Pity and Ingratitude (1st syndicate Honours.) You have done yourself (and our country) a disservice by listing a Top Ten Reasons For Hating NZ...without even balanced it with a Top Ten Reasons For Loving NZ. Maybe you were too crabbed being all self-righteous and hard done by to compile this 2nd list (or maybe the potential list of reasons is too long for you to limit yourself to just 10.)
Hoba...You havent got a half-assed pinch about how to be happy. You are an embarrassment to yourself and your country. You we do not need.
Do all us reconciled and contented Kiwis a favour...if at least you cant contribute to our emigration statistics by acquire a plane ticket out, contribute to our (yes saddening) suicide statistics and demoralize a ticket out of life.
I wrote this just as a means of publicising how crap New Zealand is to save innocent people from being fooled into coming here by the tourism board.
So infinitesimal minded. I have been to NZ, sure it has its problems, but still there are some good people there. Not everyone fits your catagory of being dumb, by the way did that include you? If you hate it that much, there is everlastingly options to leave no matter how much the cost. Try get a job.
i enjoyed reading your essay...it kinda humoured me while reading it...never knew New Zealand was that bad...i got a friend from New Zealand..but never comprehend him talk bout it...
great - loved it - i live in australia and i feel your pain...well only some of it...
but at least I now know not to ever ever ever go to New Zealand. Thanx!
I, too, lived in NZ and had the same thoughts. notwithstanding though it has been only 4 years since I have lived there, I miss it a little. Loved these top ten, I can relate to a lot of them.
yes, u r right about You get fined for everything here. because indian player harbajan was fined for deliverance dirty shoes.
I guess the grass is of all time greener on the other side...lol...this isnt an essay...but then...nothing I have submitted is either...a very interesting and enlightening read...I actually read it twice...yankee842 is right...you must have written this in a moment of emotional fever...lol...good job...
p.s. Hope you find a way to earn the money...
I wouldnt say my friends parents are sick...they just dont know...its a holiday spot for them. But I do geuss, that if what you say is true...that theyd die of stress. TTYL.
I sence a bit of tension and division on this essay. I found it hillarious. People who come on here criticizing really need to find a hobby...lol..It was one persons point of view. So what if you totaly disagree with it. Accepting other peoples opinion is just a part of life, and if people cant deal with it, they lead one track lives for not broadening their horizons of knowledge.
In response to your comment....I absolutely hate it here, there are no good points, so thereof I cannot give an account of something that doesnt exist
How long ago? I dont think you read my comment correctly........it has changed so much in the past two years.........when were you here?
I come from South Africa, which to be perfectly honest, is probably a heck of a lot worsened than NZ - be grateful for what you have! The All Blacks are probably the top rugby team in the world, apart from the Springboks of course :P and Im sure you are exagerating about the public send out - I dont think anything could be worse than SAs public transport system. Come to Cape Town, and Ill personally show you what I mean!!! BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!
Hoba, quit your bitching. Their are children who dont have enough food to survive, and even in stolon world countries their are thousands of homeless people who dont bitch as much as you. If everyone is sooooooooooooo dumb, then that doesnt say very much about your intelligence, which means that you have no brains or ambition in life either. Due to your low IQ and the above statements made by you, its no surprise that you have no money to get the hell out of there!
Your friends parents are sick. They fly in wearing rose glum glasses. If they didnt have their US$ in which they can exchange and get more money in NZ$, and they had to try and make money here and survive they would probably die from stress.
The bitch pip attendants that work in Auckland International Airport.
Let me explain.
My bfs family were going to malaysia before flying home, on malaysian airlines. They were allowed to take 25kg each in their suitcases and 7kg on to the plane with them. They were just under the limit. We weighed the bags and they were weighed at the airport when they were checking in and they were under the limit so they wouldnt have to pay any extra money. Being the bitches those flight attendants are, they made them be escorted to the departure bay with the biggest bitch ever. She went up to security and told them that their luggage was over and to charge them NZ$200 (or US$140). This was an absolute lie. Just five minutes earlier everything had been weighed and it was fine. They were naive, they didnt know. They were eager to get home and so they paid the money. I only found out yesterday after they arrived at their destination what had happened to them. They didnt believe me when I told them to be careful of the people here, that they are out to harm you. They thought I was joking. They didnt heed my warning and as a result had $200 unlaw enoughy forced from them.
STOP organism SUCH BITCHES AND GROW A HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill trade places with you, you come and live here then we will see if you are so optimistic....you wouldnt last 10 seconds.
First word that comes to mind is thrill What were you? A tourist.......and how long ago did you come here. It has changed so much over the past two years for the worse. I have a f***king job, I work 12 hours a day...for a marketing company. No matter how hard you work something keeps coming up to take the money off you. Fines, bills, it keeps coming. You think you have finally saved money and bang..the regime will find some way to take the money off you. Everyone I encounter that lives here suffers from the same problems....being a tourist and being a resident are only different things...you only care it here because you had the option to leave...try being stuck here...im sure you would follow suit of all the other new people who suffer from depression and who then commit suicide.......we have the highest teen suicide rate in the world per capita....something to be proud of dont you think. Before you come and write such stain about my opinions...take your tourist glasses off. New Zealanders are always nice to tourists...they are good at having a delusive smile....come and live here then well see how long you keep that perspective. Your comment really showed that you are narrow-minded because you were ineffectual to see my perspective....i dont want a hypocrite reading my essays.....so hum off!
I think deceitalrealmer has been eating too many magic mushrooms...whenever I see their comments they still annoy me..
It was an absolute rap to me to find out that you are in University. Quite aboveboard I dont know how you were even accepted, but then again it is probably one of those really low grade places...what do they call them, oh yes community colleges in which they accept any methamphetamine hydrochloride that walks in off the street. BTW when you come in to the chatroom stop saying meow, you sound like a tinny whore trying to find new clients. Seriously you need to grow up...your writing is immature, especially your comments, your take on love befits that of a 13 year old, and your name...why that is something a little 8 year old girl would call herself. If I had the faculty to block you I would....because quite frankly you never add anything constructive to my essays.
You are too funny. i spent 6 months in NZ about 6 years ago and liked it for the most part, but did encount the stupid people and the traffic you described. It almost sound like you are talking about New Mexico except the weather, the sun shines 326 days a year, but we are so high that sunburn is a big factor.
wow.. my cousin-german lives in NZ...he cannot stop complaining about NZs life and all...somehow wish to leave NZ later onwards..
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