
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Emily Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for death"

The Cycle of Life

        For as long as history has been recorded, humanity has always been at odds at with the thought of his stimulate cobblers last. Even the few who have accepted death affably have at some point feared, dreaded, or attempt to postpone its arrival. We have personified death as someone slimy who appears unpredictably, only to take you unwillingly from this world to the next. But in reality, we know that death is not the uncontrollable grim reaper that we find in fairy tales and movies. Rather than being catty and unjust, death is an inevitable part of the cycle of life. In late centuries, poets have spent much of their time writing of death and its inescapability-both as something to be admired as well as feared. In her haunting poem en title of respectd, Because I Could Not give out For Death, Emily Dickinson realizes that to escape death is unachievable, and she shows that it need not be painful, therefore the poem sustains a serene tone throughout. Death is personified by Dickinson as being compassionate, and kind- making it discover more acceptable. Through

Dickinsons dead style of writing, effective use of literary elements, and vivid imagery, she creates a poem that can be interpreted in numerous different ways.

        As human beings, it is in our nature to feel that death does not come in a commodious or opportune time. When Dickinson says, Because I could not settlement for Death, she causes the ratifier to begin wondering why she could not stop. The apparent result is that she was so wrapped up in the chaos of life, she was too busy to think

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about death.

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She makes deaths inescapability clear in the next course of study though when she says, He kindly stopped for me. In this last line she has...

Thank you for a good analysis of Emily Dickensons popular poem. For someone who lived a relatively sheltered life, Ms. Dickenson had remarkable insights and Because I could not stop for Death is a poem which has universal appeal. Your report is passing readable and engaging. Other than for the fact that death was capitalized in the title of your prior essay on the alike(p) topic, this appears to be the same report as the one you submitted three days earlier. praiseworthy!

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